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Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation

We examine and treat patients with visceral or metabolic diseases. Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation is one of the 13 departments in the Helsinki University Hospital Area.

Kaksi fysioterapian työntekijää auttaa potilasta nousemaan ylös.

In addition, we care for elderly people who need expertise in several specialties. We are responsible for a significant portion of rehabilitation personnel and demanding rehabilitation services, as well as for the activities of the HUS Assistive Equipment Center. In addition, healthcare social workers and clinical dietitians from the Special Services division participate in the care of patients in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

We provide extensive consultation support to other specialties, and also the care of some rare diseases has been nationally centralized in our department. 

An important part of our activities is the planning and coordination of the university study period of physicians specializing in internal medicine, geriatrics and physiatry, and the clinical instruction of medical students in cooperation with the University of Helsinki. We are responsible for the clinical research in our specialties.

A customer panel of experts by experience is involved in the planning of the internal medicine and rehabilitation activities.



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