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Your rights as a patient

You can help us improve our operations  

  • By giving freeform feedback and by completing our customer satisfaction survey
  • By submitting a patient safety event report
  • By filing an objection, a notice of injury to Patient Insurance Center or a complaint; these are recourses available to you by law

Customer feedback

You can give us feedback on both your care and our activities in general. 

  • Freeform feedback can be given anonymously either to a specific unit or generally to HUS as a whole.
  • The customer satisfaction survey is intended for patients and customers who have been treated at our units.

You can submit customer feedback here.

For data protection reasons, we will not respond to questions about your personal care through the feedback system. In these cases, please contact the unit treating you.

Patient documents

We record information related to your treatment in patient documents. We only record the information relevant to your treatment. The HUS hospital employees who participate in your treatment and examination are allowed to access your patient information. 

Read more about patient documents and your rights regarding them here.

Patient safety event report 

Your care may have included unexpected incidents, whether near-misses or events causing actual harm. Personnel are always responsible for ensuring safe care, and if something goes wrong, it is important to find out why. 

If you, as a patient, notice a safety event while in care, you can report it. It is easy to file a report, and you can do so anonymously if you wish. Please note that no individual response will be given to your report. We use these reports to improve our operations. 

You can file a patient safety event report online here 


Under the Act on the Status and Rights of Patients (785/1992), if you are displeased with your care or how you have been treated, you may file a written objection using the form provided or in freeform. If you write a freeform objection, please nevertheless include the details indicated on the form. The director in charge of health care is responsible for processing the objection. The director will request the necessary reports from the persons who participated in the patient’s care, and from the head physicians in charge of the unit. After the objection has been processed, we will respond to you in writing.

Sign your objection and send it to: HUS Group, HUS Group’s Registry, PO Box 200, FI-00029 HUS.

Note! If you are planning to file an objection regarding your loved one’s care, please discuss the matter with the patient first, if possible. State in the objection that the patient is aware of you filing the objection and that they are unhappy with their treatment or care. If necessary, we will contact the patient to ask their view on the matter before the objection made by their next of kin is handled.

If you wish to receive the response to the objection as well, you must request a consent from the person using the form  Consent to disclosure of patient data with which the patient authorizes disclosing their information to you.


Objection on behalf of a minor

Read the instruction for using the e-service.

Patient injury report

In case of an actual or suspected patient injury caused in your care, as defined in the Patient Insurance Act (948/2019), you have the right to file a patient injury report. You must file a report with the Patient Insurance Center within three years of the time when you were notified of the injury or when you should have become aware of it.


The authorities supervising health care services recommend that before filing a complaint you should discuss the matter with your place of care and file an objection instead. Complaints concerning matters that occurred more than two years earlier will not be considered unless there are special reasons to do so. You may file a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health  Valvira if a case of suspected patient injury concerns a patient who has died or been seriously injured in care, or if there is a need to intervene in the right of a health care professional to practice. All other complaints are handled by the relevant Regional State Administrative Agency.

If necessary, you can turn to the patient ombudsperson for advice on how to file an objection, a patient injury report, or a complaint.

Patient ombudspersons at HUS

Claim for compensation

Material damage consists for instance of a patient losing a dental prosthetic or breaking their eyeglasses during treatment at a hospital as the result of an error or negligence committed by a staff member. In such cases, you may file a claim for compensation in writing. 

Liability for compensation is provided for in the Tort Liability Act (in Finnish).

Read the instruction for using the e-service.


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Thank you for your feedback!

Write your feedback on the website here.

Do not enter your personal information here. Please note that we do not respond to feedback sent via this form. Please visit our feedback site to give feedback on matters other than our website.

Write your feedback on the website here.

Do not enter your personal information here. Please note that we do not respond to feedback sent via this form. Please visit our feedback site to give feedback on matters other than our website.