Visibility, effectiveness and societal interaction of research

Making research findings available to the general public and as support material for decision-making was one of the communications goals for research management in 2019. Further efforts are being made to increase public awareness and societal effectiveness of health research and of important themes in research and teaching on the hospital campus.

The series Juuri julkaistu [Just published], started three years ago, has become an established trademark. Articles with extensive presentations of research done at HUS are published every three weeks and have done much to publicize HUS and the expertise of HUS employees in a positive light. Various print media and news websites eagerly cite research news articles written in an accessible style.

Researchers receiving state research funding are asked to report on their research projects at the end of the funding period. A compilation of research reports submitted between August 2018 and September 2019 was published to highlight the topics covered in research conducted at HUS and its effectiveness.

E-services for research

In 2019, e-services for research (applying for a research permit and a statement from the Ethics Committee) were developed in close collaboration with IT Management. Guidelines for researchers were improved by compiling a wide range of documents into a single online researcher guideline. The Tutkijan työpöytä [Researcher’s desk] application has been available for applying for research permits since 2015 and for ethical statements since 2018. Further development of the application was launched in 2019. Also, experts in research management and IT Management began work on linking the HUS Data Pool service process to researcher services and on creating a ‘Researcher’s Path’ service concept covering the entire research process. Towards the end of the year, the entry of research permit data in the research registry was automated.