Our Strategy

In spring 2019, we began designing a new strategy for the years 2020–2024. Initially, the Executive Group and the HUS Executive Board discussed and shaped the major policy outlines. We carried the Strategy forward using inclusive methods. Employees took part actively in the Strategy development, along with internal and external stakeholders.

Megatrends impacting the operations of HUS and situational analyses led to a shortlist of goals identified as important for us, and these were compiled in a personnel survey. The survey was circulated in June and August.

A large number of free text responses were received. The strategy survey was also circulated to HUS units, stakeholders and, via social media, to the general public.

The Strategy for responsible growth was adopted by the HUS Council in December. The new Strategy specified three values, five strategic goals, a vision and a promise.

In the new Strategy, our vision is to be a pioneer in health care. Our promise is to give better care, for every patient, every day.

Our new values are: Caring, Equality, Pioneership.

We have five strategic goals:

  • The measurably best care and service.
  • We are the best community for learning, undertaking research and doing meaningful work.
  • Working for health efficiently and effectively.
  • Responsibility to the common good.
  • Customer oriented digital change.
Kohtaaminen, Yhdenvertaisuus, Edelläkävijyys. Mitatusti parasta hoitoa ja palvelua. Paras yhteisö oppia, tutkia ja tehdä merkityksellistä työtä. Terveyttä tehokkaasti ja vaikuttavasti. Vastuumme yhteiseksi hyväksi. Asiakaslähtöinen digitaalinen muutos.