Because of the coronavirus pandemic, we have increased the number of remote and video appointments in all our psychiatry divisions.

Several studies have found that remote therapy sessions have proven to be at least as efficient and effective as therapy sessions in person. 

The number of appointments in outpatient psychiatric care undertaken via remote connection, such as video, grew steadily from the beginning of 2020. This growth peaked in March 2021 with about 6,000 video appointments in that month. Since then, their number has settled at about 4,000 appointments per month. 

We use video appointments for a number of our services, such as consultations, examinations, psychotherapeutic interventions and other psychosocial care.

Video appointments carry both practical benefits and content advantages. Some of our patients find it difficult to get to the psychiatric outpatient clinic by public transport, as it may involve multiple changes. Traveling to the clinic may in itself be uncomfortable or intimidating for the patient. Remote appointments save time and money, as patients do not travel to see their therapist. They can have an appointment even at their summer cottage or any other location, as long as they have telecommunications available. Appointments may also be easier to schedule if travel does not need to be taken into account. 

The working hours of some of our staff are designed to facilitate remote appointments. This has had the added benefit of flexibility for staff members, since they can also handle remote appointments from home.

Videovastaanottoihin liittyy sekä käytännön hyötyjä että sisältöön liittyviä etuja. Joillekin potilaillemme matka julkisilla liikennevälineillä psykiatrian poliklinikalle voi olla hankalien vaihtoyhteyksien päässä. Myös itse matka vastaanotolle saattaa tuntua potilaasta epämukavalta tai pelottavalta. Samalla säästyy aikaa ja rahaa, kun hänen ei tarvitse liikkua terapeutin luokse. Yhteys hoitokontaktiin onnistuu esimerkiksi mökiltä tai muusta paikasta, jossa tietoliikenneyhteydet toimivat. Tapaamisaikojakin saattaa olla helpompi sopia, kun niitä ei tarvitse sovittaa kulkemiseen. 

Osa työntekijöidemme työajoista on sovitettu etäyhteyksien hoitoon. Tämä on tuonut myös joustoa työntekijöillemme, kun osa työnteosta voi tapahtua etätyöskentelynä kotona.