Under financial responsibility in the year under review, we focused on increasing expertise in procurement and agreements. We also executed a productivity program as planned.

We improved the procurement expertise of our procurement professionals with new training videos. Videos were made for three target groups, and they are available to all HUS experts in the intranet. We publicized the videos at procurement customer meetings and in the context of improving customer engagement. Going forward, we aim to include these training videos in our orientation training for new employees.

For supervisors and managers, we intend to produce a similar training video on contract management, to be introduced in 2022. We will also deploy the contract guidelines adopted by the Executive Board in supervisor training. In 2022, we will further extend this training effort with a video on research agreements.

The goal of the productivity program was to complete all seven monitored projects during the year under review. In early 2022, we will be producing final reports on outcomes vs. goals and on further plans for the projects.

For some projects, the work will continue as part of normal development activities or in spearhead projects. In 2022, we will add new projects to the productivity program. Divisions and units have been asked to submit detailed plans for executing their specific productivity programs.