We aim to be the best community for learning, undertaking research and doing meaningful work.

This goal is described in our strategy thus: “Good care comes from personnel wellbeing. We need every HUS employee in order to provide patients with the best possible treatment. HUS is also a good place to grow as a health care professional. HUS is international. Having top researchers is a must for HUS to be a pioneer by international standards.”

In order to attain this strategic goal, we set as a target for 2020 that the percentage of our employees willing to recommend HUS as an employer would grow by five percentage points on 2019. We monitor this target with the question “Would you recommend HUS as an employer?” in the Working Life Barometer.

Good leadership and management, and above all good HR management, workplace culture and meaningful work are factors with a bearing on whether an employee would recommend their employer to friends and relatives, for instance.

We began to strengthen our foundation for good HR management and HUS recommendations through three strategic projects:

In the course of the projects, we collected best practices, conducted studies, learned from other organizations and sought solutions for creating consistent practices across HUS as a whole. Employees from all over the organization were widely included in the preparations.

Yet despite the proactive project work and the jointly devised models for management, recruitment and induction, we did not attain our target. The score for the question “Would you recommend HUS as an employer?” declined the most on the previous year out of all questions in the Working Life Barometer, by five percentage points.

Translating the outcomes of the projects into practice and establishing consistent procedures and processes will require systematic long-term efforts. We will continue to pursue this in the current year, since one of the strategic goals of HUS for 2021 is to ensure high-quality management and continuity of expertise.

Values in HR management

During the year under review, we translated our values – Caring, Equality and Pioneership – into practice, to embed them in our everyday work. Caring and Equality in particular are values closely connected to good HR management.

Caring with respect is an overriding characteristic of our workplace community. We must engage with each other, our patients, our customers and our students with kindness and respect.

Equality is apparent in our relationships with any and all parties: we treat our employees and stakeholders equitably and ensure equal availability of services, regionally and linguistically. Good HR management also supports Pioneership.

Our strategic goals for 2021

Our strategic goal in HR management for 2021 is “Ensuring high-quality management and continuity of expertise”. Our target is for more than 90% of personnel to agree with the statement “I am satisfied with the leadership of my supervisor and the management of my unit”.

We report on our results on a quarterly basis. We also identify critical areas of expertise, program for the securing of continuity and provide a high level of competence management.