We are improving the quality of our care and of our operations systematically, following our Quality and Patient Safety Plan.

Quality improvement at HUS is governed by the Quality and Patient Safety Plan. The underlying structure for quality and patient safety assurance at HUS comes from the JCI quality system that we are preparing to adopt. JCI sets out the requirements for an international quality hospital, for all professional groups and for all our functions.

We introduced a patient and treatment guideline databank, launched jointly by the Quality and Patient Safety unit (LAAPO) and HUS IT Management. HUS quality indicators were monitored on a monthly basis, quality work was harmonized, and investments were made in training and communications. We stepped up our cooperation efforts, nationally with basic health care and in the Helsinki University Hospital Specific Catchment area and internationally with partners in the Nordic countries and in the USA.

We deployed the new Apotti patient information system, which will achieve full coverage when HUS Imaging adopts it as the final unit in spring 2021. This deployment had an impact on our quality work in reporting, standardization and patient safety monitoring. We are also improving quality in the Magnet Hospital project focusing on the quality of nursing and with certifications/accreditations for a number of support services.

The HaiPro adverse event reporting system, where employees can enter anonymous reports of actual events and near misses, is an essential tool in improving patient safety. At the moment, HaiPro is our best channel for gaining comprehensive information on how our units are operating. The system also prompts several development actions each year.

In 2020, we raised the issue of the effectiveness and permanence of development actions for the first time. Digitalization projects make our services more customer-oriented and uniform, both of which are key elements in quality improvement.

Quality and Patient Safety Plan

It is required in the Health Care Act that every health care organization must have a plan for the implementation of quality management and patient safety. In public health care, a quality and patient safety plan (LAAPO plan) is also the organization’s self-monitoring plan. P

atient safety is a component of quality, but because of its importance it was included in the very title of the HUS Quality and Patient Safety Plan. The Quality and Patient Safety Plan and Report are administered by the LAAPO management team and by the Executive Group of the HUS Group. The Plan and Report are approved by the HUS Executive Board.

Quality and patient safety on the HUS website