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Outpatient clinic appointments during pregnancy

  • Women’s Hospital
  • prenatal diagnostics
  • Espoo Hospital

Clinic appointments during pregnancy mean early antenatal screening appointments, the monitoring of high-risk pregnancies in maternity outpatient clinics, and inpatient care in special situations. 

Kuvituskuva: Äiti, tukihenkilö ja lääkäri sikiöseulontavastaanotolla

Screening examinations

Screening examinations are voluntary, painless, and free of charge. The scanning rooms have a separate side monitor, where you can see the same images as the midwife performing the scan. You cannot make a video recording of the scan, but you will be able to get still pictures to take with you. Your spouse or another adult person can accompany you to the scan. If you are unable to arrive for your scheduled appointment, please notify the relevant outpatient clinic by calling them as soon as possible.

Maternity outpatient clinic appointments


Prenatal Screening Unit, Bulevardi 22

In the Prenatal Screening Unit on Bulevardi, we carry out ultrasound examinations during pregnancy for clients in the maternity outpatient clinics of the…

Prenatal Diagnostic Unit, Women's Hospital

At the Prenatal Diagnostic Unit, we examine and treat mothers whose fetuses have been detected in an ultrasound examination to have an abnormality. We also…

Maternity Outpatient Clinic, Women's Hospital

In the Maternity Outpatient Clinic at Women's Hospital, we monitor high-risk pregnancies.

Maternity Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital

In the Maternity Outpatient Clinic at Jorvi Hospital, we monitor high-risk pregnancies.


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