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Emergency services during pregnancy and labor

  • labor
  • pregnancy
  • emergency services

At the obstetric emergency departments, we treat patients in need of urgent care. Please call the hospital before seeking medical attention at the emergency department or coming in to give birth.

Kuvituskuva: vastasyntynyt vauva

Phone numbers


Labor Ward, Women's Hospital

In addition to the normal deliveries, the labor ward at Women's Hospital treats the most high-risk deliveries and extremely preterm births in the HUS area.

Labor ward, Espoo Hospital

In the labor ward of Espoo Hospital, we take care of deliveries and ensure the well-being of newborns.

Labor Ward 2S, Lohja Hospital

In the Maternity Unit of Lohja Hospital, we offer individual, high-quality care that is based on the wishes of the women giving birth, and is family…

Maternity unit, Hyvinkää Hospital

On the Hyvinkää Hospital labor ward, you can give birth starting from 35+0 weeks of pregnancy. The maternity unit comprises the Maternity Outpatient Clinic…


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