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Colorectal cancer screening

  • bowel cancers
  • colorectal cancer screening
  • rectal cancer

We are inviting everyone from the screened age groups living in Uusimaa, Kymenlaakso and South Karelia to screening for colorectal cancer. Screening is a free of charge service offered by your wellbeing services county.

A man in a green shirt sitting and holding a coffee mug in one hand. I front of him there's another person who is only partly visible from behind.

Colorectal cancer, or sometimes bowel cancer, is the collective term for colon and rectal cancers. An estimated 3,500 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer in Finland every year. It is the third most common cancer in Finland. The purpose of screening is to detect colorectal cancer at a stage when it is more likely to be curable. The goal of the screening process is to reduce deaths from colorectal cancer.

The free-of-charge screening is based on a test that looks for hidden blood in the stool. No appointment is needed for collecting a sample or delivering it to the laboratory for analysis. You find more information on delivering the sample under "How do I store the sample tube and where do I deliver the sample?". 

Wellbeing services counties are obliged by law to arrange colorectal cancer screening for their residents. HUS mails the screening invitations and functions as the screening center for wellbeing services counties in Uusimaa, Kymenlaakso and South Karelia. 

For more information on sample collection and help with any problems, please contact the HUS laboratory customer service, tel. 09 471 86800.

You have guts: Screening for colorectal cancer

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