Chemical products- information to manufactures and importers
How to submit a chemical notification to the authorities?
Importers have a legal obligation to submit information on mixtures available on the market to poison information centers, if the mixtures are classified as hazardous on the basis of their health and physical effects (Article 45 and Annex VIII of the European CLP Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008)). The notification is made through the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Submission Portal. Importers may add the Poison Information Center’s phone number as contact information in case of an emergency in the packages and safety data sheets for free, if the Poison Information Center has been notified of the mixture. Information on products that have not been classified as hazardous on the basis of their health and physical effects may be submitted through the ECHA portal in the same way as with hazardous products.
In addition, companies must submit information on chemicals they have placed on the Finnish market to the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes), if the chemicals are classified under the CLP Regulation or if an unclassified chemical contains hazardous substances. For more information on submitting information on chemicals see (Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency).
Contact information for the Finnish Poison Information Center:
Mon–Sun 0:00–24:00
Phone: 0800 147 111 (toll free)
Phone: +358 9 471 977