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Rehabilitation instructors, New Children's Hospital

  • rehabilitation counseling
  • rehabilitation
  • New Children’s Hospital

Through rehabilitation counseling at New Children's Hospital, we are able to assess how the child’s or adolescent’s injury or illness affects their coping in everyday life and participating in age-appropriate chores and activities at home, in daycare, and in school.

Kaksi fysioterapian työntekijää auttaa potilasta nousemaan ylös.

The rehabilitation counseling service is intended for children and adolescents with long-term illnesses or injuries and their families. We will explore the need for services and assistive devices to support rehabilitation, as well as other means for making life easier with an illness or injury.   

The patient or their family can contact our rehabilitation instructors directly, or a social worker or another healthcare professional or other authorities can contact rehabilitation instructors with the family’s permission. 


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