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Endoscopy Unit, Lohja Hospital

  • Lohja
  • Lohja Hospital
  • endoscopy

In the Endoscopy Unit at Lohja Hospital, we carry out bronchoscopies and abdominal and gastrointestinal endoscopies.

Emergency examinations are carried out during the day as extra work, so they may delay the start times of elective endoscopy examinations. Please reserve enough time when arriving for your examination.

When you receive notice about your appointment, you will also receive a written examination and bowel prep instructions. If you are unable to carry out the bowel prep at home, you can perform it either at the health center or the hospital’s inpatient ward upon advance agreement.

The endoscopy procedure is carried out by a specialist in internal medicine, a surgeon or a pulmonary specialist and two nurses act as assistants. The most common examination we perform is an endoscopic examination of the abdomen or intestines due to unspecified abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, diarrhea, and bloody stools. Bronchoscopy is conducted for determining the symptoms and confirming the diagnosis. During the endoscopic examination, we can take samples from the mucous membranes, which are examined by the pathology laboratory. Once the results have been completed, the physician will assess the need for further treatment.


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