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News Published on 13.11.2023, 12:22

HUS is recruiting new members to customer panels as well as new experts by experience and peer supporters

  • customer panel
  • expert by experience
  • peer support

We have nearly 400 people providing insight in various customer panels, research panels, and as experts by experience and peer supporters. They all work together with professionals to evaluate and develop our services and to support our customers.

Kokemusasiantuntijarekry kuvituskuva

You can now apply to participate in these activities in spring 2024! We offer the participants orientation, additional training, support, and recreation. We require that the participants commit to confidentiality, follow hospital hygiene, and that they do not smoke during their tasks. We hope that the participants’ health allows them to actively participate in the work. We are now recruiting participants to tasks that begin in spring 2024. The next recruitment will be launched in summer 2024.

Customer panels

Customer panels evaluate and develop services as a group with a HUS employee. The panels meet 4–6 times a year and the membership lasts for two years. Customer panel members receive an attendance compensation for each meeting.

Experts by experience

An expert by experience is a patient or a patient’s loved-one with personal experience of an illness, disability, or specific life situation, and who has received training for their task as an expert by experience. At HUS, experts by experience work as a pair with a professional, or in a working group. They participate in service development, staff training, or group instruction, and they offer peer appointments. Experts by experience receive compensation for their work. You can apply even if you have not received training to work as an expert by experience.

Open tasks:

  • The rare diseases customer panel seeks participants with a rare disease.
  • Hyvinkää Hospital seeks especially men and people of working age to join their customer panel.
  • Neurocenter is looking for a person who has experience as a loved one of a neurological/neurosurgical patient to join their customer panel.
  • Porvoo Hospital is recruiting Finnish- and Swedish-speaking people for their customer panel. We also welcome people from different language and cultural backgrounds.
  • Psychiatry, Tikkurila Psychosis Outpatient Clinic, is looking for young adults (aged approximately 18–30) with experience of a psychotic illness (such as schizophrenia) as experts by experience.
  • Psychiatry, Addiction psychiatry, is looking for an expert by experience with personal experience of opioid substitution therapy and ADHD.
  • Head and Neck Center is looking for people to join their customer panel and experts by experience with experience of the following: strabismus, hereditary eye disease, cochlear implant or parent of a child with one, long-term nasal congestion, or oral cancer. We are also looking for people with glaucoma who are treated at an outsourced service. There is no age limit, but we are particularly interested in people aged 18–45. We also welcome people from different language and cultural backgrounds.
  • Inflammation Center is looking for people with experience of the Skin and Allergy Hospital to join their customer panel, and experts by experience with background in rheumatic diseases, skin diseases, or allergies.

Peer supporter

A peer supporter has survived an illness/injury/life situation or has adjusted to living with the issue and wishes to support others in their illness. Peer supporters are needed for a wide range of patients and their loved ones in different hospitals. Peer support work is voluntary and therefore peer supporters do not receive compensation. Peer support work at HUS is coordinated by OLKA. Open peer support tasks are available all the time.

We welcome you to join!

Send a short application by email to by November 30, 2023. Please state in your application

  • Your name, age, language skills
  • Phone number, email address, and hometown
  • Which open task you are applying for (in peer support tasks, also state in which issues you can provide peer support)
  • Why you would be a suitable person for the task
  • Please also state if you have expert by experience or peer support training. If you have such training, please also state who organized the training and when you completed it. You may apply even if you do not have this specific training.


Further information

Anu Toija, development manager, customer involvement, HUS
050 466 5152.

Read more about HUS’s panels and experts by experience via this link.


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