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Physiotherapists, Ruskeasuo

  • physiotherapy
  • eye diseases
  • pain

In Orton's physiotherapy clinic, we offer services to patients in the HUS Rehabilitation Clinic for Eye Diseases, the Pain Clinic, and the Coagulation Disorder Unit.

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In Orton's physiotherapy clinic, we offer services to patients in the HUS Rehabilitation Clinic for Eye Diseases, the Pain Clinic, and the Coagulation Disorder Unit. Our services require a referral.

The patients undergoing rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Clinic for Eye Diseases are visually impaired. We assess their functional vision and its impact on mobility and day-to-day functioning, and guide the visually impaired in safe mobility. In the case of children, we evaluate the effect of functional vision on the development of motor skills, and provide guidance and information to the child’s family and other related parties on the use of vision and on the associated issues to be considered. 

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