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As a student at HUS

Here you will find information you need when you have been granted a traineeship at HUS.

Student checklist before starting training

Once you have been granted a trainee placement at HUS, we will send you a welcome letter or email or call you with more detailed information about your traineeship and important instructions, including the required vaccinations that need to be taken care of before starting the training.

Starting as a trainee

During training

End of practical training periods

Through feedback received from the study guidance quality survey, we are developing our clinical learning environments and student guidance. The quality survey responses will be used in the national peer reviews between hospitals. In addition, survey responses can be used for research that has received the necessary research permits.


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Do not enter your personal information here. Please note that we do not respond to feedback sent via this form. Please visit our feedback site to give feedback on matters other than our website.